
Friday, May 22, 2015

Body Fluid Spill Cleanup

All bodily fluids are potentially contaminated with blood-born pathogens including bacteria, viruses and fungi. As such, a human body fluid spill can pose an occupational hazard if proper cleanup procedures are not followed.

So should you ever try to clean up a body fluid spill yourself? Unless the amount of blood is so minuscule you can clean it up in seconds with a sheet of a paper towel, we recommend you take no chances with your health or the health of others.

As per the Occupational Health and Safety Act, only authorized personnel like Brooks Remediation may perform spill cleanup procedures for spills containing human blood or other potentially infectious material. We ensure our experienced staff utilizes the appropriate personal protective equipment such as: gloves, proper eye-wear, faces shields, masks, and protective outer garments to keep from contamination. We also bring all necessary supplies to the scene, including: the appropriate disposal bags, a disinfectant, absorbent material, a sharps container, and device to remove contaminated sharps.

If you find yourself needing to clean up a blood spill, contact us for a fast response time. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the year. 

Contact us today and allow our empathetic and professional staff members alleviate the burden and responsibility involved in the cleanup and disinfection off of your shoulders, and on to ours. (888) 567-0545

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